Sherrington Associates is the retained non-executive search partner for Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) Marketing Cheshire, in their search for a new Chair and up to four new Members of the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board.
Marketing Cheshire
The Marketing Cheshire Board plays a pivotal role in the place marketing and promotion of Cheshire and Warrington as a place to visit, live, work, invest and study. As the expert advisory group for Marketing Cheshire, the Board exerts real influence and provides strategic insight into all work to enhance, grow and promote the Cheshire and Warrington visitor economy, and promote the sub-region as one of the best investment propositions in the UK.
Members bring knowledge of their sector and champion the sub-region to national and international audiences. They collaborate with the Local Authorities Joint Committee, Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington and the Business Advisory Board, taking a strategic approach rather that acting in the interests of their individual sectors and organisations. Members have experience and clear insight of what it’s like to do business in the Cheshire and Warrington visitor economy, the opportunities available and the barriers to success.
The chair of the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board is a key strategic role in the development, review and implementation of visitor economy and place marketing strategy in Cheshire and Warrington, and will provide leadership and direction to the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board, promoting a culture of openness, objectivity, collaboration and debate. Representing the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board and the wider visitor economy as a non-voting member of the Business Advisory Board, the Chair will provide effective representation of the views of the visitor economy, leisure and hospitality sectors to the Joint Committee on the opportunities and challenges facing businesses, ensuring that succinct, comprehensive, timely, accurate and relevant summaries of the Advisory Board’s views are placed before the Joint Committee to allow them to reach informed conclusion.
Working closely with the C&W Business Advisory Board, political leaders and officers from the LAs and Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington to ensure that C&W has in place a compelling, evidence-based future strategy and narrative for its economy, the Chair will be a principal advocate in public and the media of Cheshire and Warrington’s visitor economy vision and opportunities. Collaborating across a wider geography to bring understanding of and build relationships with the leaders of other Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs) and similar organisations to ensure that Cheshire and Warrington play a full part in and is able to take advantage of opportunities at a North West, Northern and national level.
The role requires a proven and recognised business or third sector (tourism) leader with experience of undertaking leadership roles in the visitor economy, leisure or hospitality. We are inviting applications from accomplished visitor economy leaders with experience of chairing boards and meetings comprising other leaders and senior people with strongly held views. Politically astute, highly strategic and with high-level influencing and stakeholder engagement skills, the Chair will need an appreciation of the issues in the area, including local economic, business, infrastructure, and political landscape and able to provide an advisory perspective on the visitor economy.
The Chair role is non-remunerated, will require two days per month time commitment and the successful candidate will be appointed for a three year term.
Board Members
We are also seeking to appoint up to four new Board Members. Appointments will be for two- or three-year periods with the possibility of extension and require a time commitment of 1 -2 days per month. The role is not remunerated.
The role of members of the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board will be to:
- Work with MC and Local Authorities to shape and influence the interconnected tourism and place marketing strategies for Cheshire and Warrington, including the Destination Management Plan (DMP).
- Be consulted by the Joint Committee on any visitor economy or place marketing decisions that will impact upon the Cheshire and Warrington Business community.
- To represent the voice of businesses in the Cheshire and Warrington visitor economy in partnership and stakeholder groups and be prepared to actively participate in and collaborate with other boards, groups and networks.
- To work with the Managing Director to oversee and guide delivery of the Marketing Cheshire Business Plan and DMP, influence decision making and resource allocation, and provide sector insight to support place and visitor economy marketing and communications activity.
- To champion and advocate for the work of MC within and beyond the sub-region, supporting work to grow our membership base and commercial income; secure grant funding; and pitch for appropriate commissions, in-keeping with our organisational purpose.
- Provide their own expertise, knowledge and experience to enable the Board to address the needs of Cheshire and Warrington’s visitor economy.
- Take the lead and provide strategic direction within the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board on issues and areas in which they have skills, expertise and experience
- Build, maintain and utilise strong networks to offer well evidenced sector input, advice and guidance on the future economic development of Cheshire and Warrington.
- Attend Board meetings and other events as appropriate
- Actively uphold the Nolan Principles of standards in public life and be an exemplar in acting with integrity and selflessness for the wider benefit of the Cheshire and Warrington region.
There are a small set of characteristics which it is important that all members of the Board share:
- A significant connection to Cheshire and Warrington.
- A genuine interest and good understanding of Cheshire and Warrington’s visitor economy, in particular, the opportunities and challenges faced by our tourism, leisure and hospitality businesses, and a strong commitment to the success of the region’s economy.
- Be independently minded – able to be detached from personal issues and provide clarity in the development of strategy and the identification of opportunities.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills, articulate, passionate and have an ability to influence and network.
- Willing to provide the time commitment to the Marketing Cheshire Advisory Board and see the personal development opportunity provided by the appointment.
For more information and to request a full Recruitment Pack, please contact the retained search partner, Sherrington Asscociates, quoting one of the following Job Reference Numbers:
Chair: RM389
Board Members: RM393
Contact: Rob McKay - Managing Director, Sherrington Associates
Tel: 01244 310145
Closing Date: Friday 28th February at midday.