Sherrington Associates is retained by Enterprise Cheshire & Warrington to recruit a new Chair and Board Members for the newly formed Cheshire & Warrington Business Advisory Board.
Cheshire & Warrington Business Advisory Board
2024 sees a new approach for Cheshire and Warrington, with the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership becoming Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington (ECW) and transferring into the ownership of the three C&W local authorities. Alongside this, the local authorities are creating a new Business Advisory Board with a remit to provide LA leaders with support and advice to help them realise the sub-region’s vision of becoming the healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive and growing place in the country.
Chair of BAB
The Business Advisory Board will be involved from the earliest stage in supporting elected members and officers from the LAs and ECW to develop and review the economic strategies that will help deliver the sub-region’s vision, ensuring that the ‘voice of business’ is clearly heard in economic policy making. The Chair of the Business Advisory Board is a key role, providing leadership and direction to the Business Advisory Board and providing the key link between the Board and the leaders of the local authorities as a non-voting member of the Local Authorities Joint Committee, which has been set up to lead the economic development of Cheshire and Warrington and which also oversees the work of Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington.
We are looking for a proven and recognised business leader with experience of undertaking leadership roles within the wider economy. Chairing a diverse and strong-minded board comprised of business and third sector leaders from across the sub-region, the Chair must have a strong connection to the area and be able to provide a strategic view of the contribution of Cheshire and Warrington businesses to the economy and the factors which are key to achieving future growth ambitions. Politically astute and able to make sense of the full context in which the Business Advisory Board operate, the Chair competently guide board members on these issues, working closely with ECW and collaborating with business groups across the region and nationally.
Providing leadership to the Board in showing total commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity, including an understanding of the barriers and challenges faced by economically or socially excluded groups, the Chair will embody the Nolan Principles of standards in public life.
Position: Cheshire & Warrington Business Advisory Board Chair
Recompense: £25,000 per annum
Term Length: 3 Years
Expected commitment: 1½ days per week on average
BAB Members
Local authority leaders are looking to establish a Board drawn from across Cheshire and Warrington which is representative, inclusive and has a wide range of knowledge, experience, and networks across its membership. As such, the board will be made up of members who have a variety of backgrounds, including individuals from all age ranges, organisational sizes and from newly formed businesses to the well-established. It will also be fully representative of the business community of Cheshire and Warrington, including urban, rural and all geographical areas. Sectors important to the local economy will be represented (including charities, the voluntary sector, not-for-profit and other social enterprises) and the board will be inclusive of all regardless of gender, ethnicity, or ability.
If you're a business leader / entrepreneur / charity leader or a leader of an influential organisation in Cheshire & Warrington and want to make a difference to the local economy, then we want to hear from you.
There are a small set of characteristics which it is important that all members of the Board share:
- A significant connection to Cheshire and Warrington.
- Genuine interest and good understanding of Cheshire and Warrington, in particular, the opportunities and challenges faced by businesses operating in the Cheshire and Warrington economy and a strong commitment to the success of the region’s economy.
- Be independently minded – able to be detached from personal issues and provide clarity in the development of strategy and the identification of opportunities.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills, articulate, passionate and have an ability to influence and network.
- Willing to provide the time commitment to the Business Advisory Board and see the personal development opportunity provided by the appointment.
Position: Cheshire & Warrington Business Advisory Board Member
Recompense: The role of BAB Member is voluntary and not remunerated.
Term Length: 3 Years
Expected commitment: 1 – 2 days per month on average
Application Process
To apply, candidates will be required to submit a full CV and Cover Letter. To request a full recruitment pack, please contact the Managing Consultant via the email below, quoting the relevant Job Reference
Chair of BAB - RM375
BAB Member - RM376
Managing Consultant - Rob McKay
*All applications are treated in the strictest of confidence. Sherrington Associates is committed to supporting diversity and inclusion through our recruitment processes.