Sherrington invests in new leading edge executive search software

Posted on 12th October 2022 | Sherrington News

Sherrington is pleased to have invested in new executive search software, further enhancing our delivery capability for our clients.

Launched in 2022 by Ikuru People, the business behind leading executive search platform FileFinder, Talentis is a new data solution for professional executive search businesses, providing access to approximately 250m global executive candidate profiles, meaning Sherrington's reach and search-ability is even stronger.

Having recently invested in new candidate assessment software to improve our leadership assessment, our partnership with Talentis also optimises the preliminary research phase of our executive search work, providing more granular data and reach across a broader spectrum of executive candidate profiles.

Research has shown that male candidates tend to have more keywords on their Linkedin profiles than female candidates. Talentis supplements candidate profiles using augmented keywords to help us overcome bias and underrepresentation within our research.

Sherrington's Managing Director Rob McKay commented...

Finding, sourcing and engaging senior candidates is the foundation of good executive search. We've made significant improvements to our operational infrastructure through 2022 and our partnership with Talentis means even deeper research and ultimately even stronger shortlists for our clients.

Rob McKay - Managing Director, Sherrington Associates